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Who said vegan deserts can't be as good as the original stuff? Creamy coconut, sweet dates and bitter cocoa, this desert will even wow your omnivorous sceptic friends (if you're kind enough to want to).

Cacao Mousse


• 1 can of coconut (cream only)

• 30g cocoa powder

• 60ml almond milk

• 150g dates, stoned and chopped

• 1/2tsp vanilla extract


• 30ml strong black coffee, cooled (optional)

• Sprinkle of cacao nibs (optional)

• Handful of toasted pecans (optional)

• Fresh or frozen berries (optional)


1. Soak the dates in warm water for 10 minutes until softened, the drain off water and place dates in a food processor and blitz until only small pieces remain. Add hot water gradually until mix forms a smooth, thick paste.

2. In a separate bowl, scoop out the cream from the top of the coconut can and whip until smooth. Save the water in the can for other uses.

3. Add cocoa powder, vanilla, almond milk and date paste gradually to levels that suit you and whisk. The mix should be very aerated and moussey by this point. You can also experiment with extras such as cinnamon, frozen raspberries - whatever takes your fancy! I used all the date paste and coffee to flavour, topping with caramelised pecans - it tastes fantastic!

4. Pour mix into a grease-proof paper lined loaf tin and leave in the freezer for a few hours to set. I like my nice cream moussey so prefer to serve from the fridge than the freezer.



B e    m i n d f u l

of the ingredients you are using & where they've come from


G e t    c r e a t i v e

in the kitchen - try new recipes and substitute ingredients for what you already have in the cupboard to reduce cost & waste


E n j o y

the food! What we eat is a huge part of life so find ingredients and dishes you love preparing, cooking and most importantly eating!

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